The Great Chain of Being.
by Rob Jones Twin Waters 2020
In the cool of the morning,
The scent of the Golden Chain trees is sweet and heavy in the air.
Their bright yellow bouquets hang like choice bunches of ripe grapes.
The bees are busily collecting nectar.
Their buzzing is so comforting to me.
Announcing the joy of the Great Scheme of things.
The worker bees are lovingly removing their own that passed away during the night.
Their well spent bodies providing today’s breakfast for the local lizards.
And deep within the hives,
The queen bees are laying thousands of eggs,
And hundreds of young will hatch out from their hexagonal cells.
Meanwhile, I notice,
That I have shot yet another emotional arrow deep into myself.
Like an unconscious self-sabotaging,
That distances me,
From myself,
And the world around me.
The water dragon bathing himself in the waterfall,
Is mortified by my action.
He lifts his leg and licks his eyes in dismay,
Urging me to re-join.
To be here and in the now.
As I ponder at my many arrows.
I can’t help but sense a deeper Hope.
That something greater is at work in me.
And a thankfulness,
For the many signposts that reflect union and belonging back to me.
To remind me,
Of the ongoing transformation,
That is going on in me.
And the welcoming invitation,
To take my rightful place,
In the Great Chain of Being.