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Happy to be a Pelican

ROBERT JONES • 11 July 2019

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Happy to be a Pelican
by Rob Jones Twin Waters 2018

A Pelican is happy to just be a Pelican.
It never thinks about being a Swan,
Or even a Goose.
What would there to be gained by being something other than who they already are?
If it decided to be a Swan or Goose,
That would take enormous amounts of energy,
Not to mention the anxiety cause by making sure they were who they were pretending to be.
They just stick at being Pelicans.
Nothing more.
Nothing less.
Rather radical really,
Saving all that energy.
Being authentic.
And being content with one’s life.

by ROBERT JONES 20 February 2023
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by Rob Jones 6 December 2021
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by Rob Jones 10 November 2021
Allow the Shattering of your Heart
by ROBERT JONES 25 February 2020
Open the Windows of your Heart A reflection by Rob Jones Twin Waters 2020 Your life must lead you to this point. What has worked before, Now only makes things worse. You’re tired and exhausted, And you want to give up. Your fear of aloneness, With its elaborate and deceptive dance, Has trapped you in an endless neediness cycle, Of defensiveness and distraction. Chasing an illusion, To sustain an egoic projection of who you think you need to be. All in a bid to belong. You will be screaming to be fixed. You will want the “silver bullet” to re-join your illusive belonging system. You will be looking for ways to be repackaged to maintain your deception. Beware, fellow friend, your longings are well known in the market place. Remember one thing. The mind that got you to where you are is not the mind that will get you to where you need to go. Solitude is calling you. You will avoid it like the plague. But you must go there. So, Put aside your well used and hard-earned faithful toolbox of the past, And let your mind be renewed. When you’ve done with the fighting, projecting and scapegoating, And finally, find a quiet place, And shut the door, The first person you will meet is yourself. Like searching a lifetime for the enemy, Only to find out it was you all along. Trust the process and let solitude do its work. Let the letting go, Open the windows of your heart. You are not the miserable “so and so” you thought you were. And then one day, And you won’t know how it happened, It will be done unto you, And despite you. An overflowing love will come. And with this inclusive overflowing love, Comes a new way of seeing and a new way of being. Where everything belongs, And there is no need for polarisation or separation of any kind. You are no longer alone. Now you see, you see with eyes of the heart. There is no going back. Come, My fellow traveller. Come and take your rightful place, In the Great Chain of Being. Be. Come find what’s yours to do.
by ROBERT JONES 1 February 2020
The Great Chain of Being. by Rob Jones Twin Waters 2020 In the cool of the morning, The scent of the Golden Chain trees is sweet and heavy in the air. Their bright yellow bouquets hang like choice bunches of ripe grapes. The bees are busily collecting nectar. Their buzzing is so comforting to me. Announcing the joy of the Great Scheme of things. The worker bees are lovingly removing their own that passed away during the night. Their well spent bodies providing today’s breakfast for the local lizards. And deep within the hives, The queen bees are laying thousands of eggs, And hundreds of young will hatch out from their hexagonal cells. Meanwhile, I notice, That I have shot yet another emotional arrow deep into myself. Like an unconscious self-sabotaging, That distances me, From myself, Mystery, And the world around me. The water dragon bathing himself in the waterfall, Is mortified by my action. He lifts his leg and licks his eyes in dismay, Urging me to re-join. To be here and in the now. As I ponder at my many arrows. I can’t help but sense a deeper Hope. That something greater is at work in me. And a thankfulness, For the many signposts that reflect union and belonging back to me. To remind me, Of the ongoing transformation, That is going on in me. And the welcoming invitation, To take my rightful place, In the Great Chain of Being.
by ROBERT JONES 1 February 2020
The Pelicans Danced for Me Today by Rob Jones Twin Waters 2019 The pelicans danced for me today. Fluttering their half-opened wings, Over their bodies, Swimming in circles, Their heads spooning each other. They caught me by surprise. Calling me back from this illusionary life. I felt it in my soul. This movement between the worlds. And the invitation to re-join something grand, Yet simple. Like playing hide and seek in the forest as a child again. Ninety-nine, one hundred, coming ready or not. Father I know you see me, Catch me if you can. And then the pelicans flew off into the bright golden sunset, Their silhouettes waving goodbye. I am so pleased I saw the pelicans dance for me today. And for playing hide and seek. But especially that I was caught.
by ROBERT JONES 5 October 2019
One Day I began to See in Another Way A reflection by Rob Jones Twin Waters 2019 One day, As I was returning to this world from solitude, I noticed that I was beginning to see in another way. Not in the normal calculating way though. No harsh need for fear-based prerequisites, To protect my system, Or my sense of self. But in a way where I no longer needed separation or polarisation of any kind. A place where everything was connected to everything. Even opposites were welcomed and embraced, And included in a paradoxical way within me, And despite me. It was very disconcerting at first, I felt like I was being disloyal. Like a naughty boy, Not following the rules. But, Then a deep peace came over me. And my heart began to sing. As I followed the peace and the singing, I began to see and feel and experience many things differently. Like seeing what I had seen before, But now through a different lens, And with great clarity. Like seeing soul pain beneath wrongs, And instead of judgment, Love. For myself. Others. And the world. Then, And without warning. The darkness came. And then grief, And then sadness. About so many things. Like parts of my life, That I had long since buried and split off, Now had permission, To re-surface. Into the light With all their shame, Pain, And also, Lost gold. Some days, I made distraction my best friend, Preferring to live in an illusion. Other days, I cried rivers, And sometimes almost got washed away. But always instinctually safe though. Now I See, It is impossible for me to Un-see. Like turning a window shutter, And for the first time, Seeing right through and into what is most real. The human story. Mine. Yours. Ours. The masks we wear, And the games we play. As I reflect on these changes, I know this is being done unto me, From a place of great love. So, I can learn to re- see. Not with eyes of the head, But with eyes of the heart. So, As I continue to, Let go my walls of aloneness, Solitude is Calling me, Back to my one love. Back into oneness, And back into union. Come taste, And See, That it is good.
by ROBERT JONES 20 September 2019
There is an Awakening by Rob Jones Twin Waters 2019 There is an awakening in our young, To come together as one, As Mother earth calls on her children, To show us where we have gone wrong. They step forward with conviction, With wisdom beyond their years. They see what we chose not to see, And say what we won’t. They are being guided from within, As the tipping point is near. Look at what we have done. How can we have been so wrong? It takes a child to show us the way forward. There is a determination in their journey, As they rally together using social media. As the cry of humanity fuels their determination. To show us we have lost our way. They chain themselves to parliament fences, And ask why aren’t we listening? They see our hypocrisy, As we condemn and tell them to go back to school. The cry of mother earth is guiding them, As the heart of the earth is dying. Look at what we have done. How can we have been so wrong? It takes a child to show us the way forward. There is a cry in the uprising of our young, An outpouring of dismay. Why are we trading tomorrows survival for today’s jobs? While the lungs of our planet burn around the world. And political systems are in paralysis with their polarity. No climate change here. The young are not deterred by our arrogance. Our very survival is guiding them. As earth’s soul is dying. Look at what we have done. How can we have been so wrong? It takes a child to show us the way forward. There is a survival cry in the convergence of our young. They are shouting out, enough is enough. Is there no end to our ignorance and shame? And the response they want to hear is this: Look at what we have done. How could we have been so wrong? Yes, we have lost our way. Let us work together.
by ROBERT JONES 20 August 2019
Reflected Love by Rob Jones Twin Waters 2019 Courageously she joined us that night, Turning her chair away from the sadness of her reality. Something in the tone of our voices, And the joy of our friendships she said, As she drew near to us that night. For a fleeting moment she feasted on the authenticity of our shared woundedness, And a love she had not tasted before. Then, From behind a wall of pain and rejection, She performed unnecessarily for us. A well-rehearsed dance. Begging for love and acceptance. One she knew would give her at least momentary relief. “She’s not my grandmother” “I’ve had her before” shouted her table of reality. And then one of us embraced her. Not in a using way, But from a place of overflow. And then we saw her. Beloved child. Mother. Grandmother. Great Grandmother. Oh, you are most welcome here. And then her table of reality left. And we waved goodbye. Thank you for your Divine visitation. You with us. And us with you. May the Love you heard and felt tonight, Guide you and direct you, And grant you Great Peace.
by ROBERT JONES 11 July 2019
The Dog and the Swan by Rob Jones Twin Waters 2018 It has taken me a lifetime, To be naked and not ashamed. To be me and not someone else. And to give the courageous consent, To the dismantling of who I thought I need to be. My dog and swan are new neighbours now. Befriended through the hard-fought paradoxical battle, Of letting go and the fierce and loving embrace of Solitude. Life and death, Fixed and broken at the same time. All welcomed, included and divided no more. My wounds are becoming gift. And in this place, Looking beyond illusion. Such love.
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