Open the Windows of your Heart A reflection by Rob Jones Twin Waters 2020
Your life must lead you to this point.
What has worked before,
Now only makes things worse.
You’re tired and exhausted,
And you want to give up.
Your fear of aloneness,
With its elaborate and deceptive dance,
Has trapped you in an endless neediness cycle,
Of defensiveness and distraction.
Chasing an illusion,
To sustain an egoic projection of who you think you need to be.
All in a bid to belong.
You will be screaming to be fixed.
You will want the “silver bullet” to re-join your illusive belonging system.
You will be looking for ways to be repackaged to maintain your deception.
Beware, fellow friend, your longings are well known in the market place.
Remember one thing.
The mind that got you to where you are is not the mind that will get you to where you need to go.
Solitude is calling you.
You will avoid it like the plague.
But you must go there.
Put aside your well used and hard-earned faithful toolbox of the past,
And let your mind be renewed.
When you’ve done with the fighting, projecting and scapegoating,
And finally, find a quiet place,
And shut the door,
The first person you will meet is yourself.
Like searching a lifetime for the enemy,
Only to find out it was you all along.
Trust the process and let solitude do its work.
Let the letting go,
Open the windows of your heart.
You are not the miserable “so and so” you thought you were.
And then one day,
And you won’t know how it happened,
It will be done unto you,
And despite you.
An overflowing love will come.
And with this inclusive overflowing love,
Comes a new way of seeing and a new way of being.
Where everything belongs,
And there is no need for polarisation or separation of any kind.
You are no longer alone.
Now you see, you see with eyes of the heart.
There is no going back.
My fellow traveller.
Come and take your rightful place,
In the Great Chain of Being.
Come find what’s yours to do.